Dixon Fields Pavilion


63 Robertson St, Gisborne VIC 3437

Client name

Macedon Ranges Shire Council


$0.9 MIL




Stokes Rousseau

Consultant Team

Structural & Civil Engineer – Adams Consulting Engineers
Services Engineer – BRT Consulting
Quantity Surveyor – Prowse Quantity Surveyors

Dixon Field Pavilion demonstrates that when a building really works well, occupants will find it serves purposes beyond those originally intended.

In 2015, Architecture Matters was commissioned to design a pavilion with four changerooms for football, little athletics and other broader community uses. One particular challenge was that the site is positioned on a flood plain and is subject to inundation, not an unusual characteristic of sports and recreation grounds which are often located on land that is not suitable for residential use due to flood risk. We logically solved this issue by placing the building on a raised platform which also benefits spectators by providing a clear viewing position on three sides over the adjacent playing fields.

Dixon Fields Pavilion peripheral view of the facade
Dixon Fields Pavilion stairs to the entrance
Dixon Fields Pavilion facade with a view of the field

“The use of polychromatic brickwork and the generous roof overhang result in a distinctive building externally, while internally simple robust materials and finishes have provided light and breezy changeroom facilities that are low maintenance and easy to keep clean.”

Dixon Fields Pavilion pantry area

We also prioritised environmental design including roof stormwater capture, storage and reticulation through the building, thermal improvement of the building fabric and the installation of solar panels.

This delightful sports pavilion has been so successfully embraced by the local community that it is now used as the scenic backdrop for their annual Carols By Candlelight concert. The building aesthetically and functionally exceeded expectations of community and Council alike by meeting the needs not only of diverse sporting groups but of the community as a whole, by providing a place to come together.

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